Parents of Deaf/HH Meeting (Visalia)

Please join us at a special meeting in Visalia for parents of deaf and hard of hearing children. We will be giving away free P.A.C.K.s (Parent and Child Kits) to families in the South County area that have deaf or hard of hearing children. These P.A.C.K.s (limited to 20 total) are intended to improve communication in the home. First come, first serve, to any qualifying families.

Doe Avenue, Elderwood Conference Room
7000 Doe Avenue, Visalia

5:30pm to 7:30pm


Merced Outreach’s Winter Holiday Gathering!

DHHSC Merced Outreach will host a winter celebration event on December 22nd, 2011 from 11am – 4pm

We will provide prizes along with the games. We will perform skits for you all to enjoy!

Bring $5 gift to be part of the exchange gifts game.

Bring your favorite Holiday dish to share. There will be comfortable food to make you feel welcome while you celebrate the Winter Holiday with us!

Location: DHHSC Merced Outreach – Address: 626 West 18th Street