September 10, 2013
Dear Friends of DHHSC:
I am excited to share that our local beloved deaf author who penned well-known books, such as “Chelsea” and “The Silent Garden,” has written a new book titled “Secrets from My Silent Eden.” This new book closely examines relationships, communication, and faith, three crucial elements essential for a healthy emotional and spiritual life, while providing glimpses into Dr. Paul Ogden’s life. While I am personally excited to read this book when it is released, I am also grateful and humbled that funds raised from sales of this book will benefit DHHSC. Two hundred copies of this book will be donated by Dr. and Mrs. Ogden’s close friends, Dan and Barbara Koontz. This is where I need your support: The hardcover edition of “Secrets from My Silent Eden” will be sold for $100 each, and your purchase will benefit ROCK (Reaching Out and Communicating with our Kids), our very special program for families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. Not only will you receive an autographed copy of this new book, your purchase can also be tax-deductible because DHHSC is a 501(c)3 community benefit organization. Thus, a win-win proposition!
ROCK, originally funded by the Bank of the Sierras in 2012-2013, became a very successful program in our Visalia Outreach Office because families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children received personalized instruction and at-home support from our Client Services Specialist (CSS). Our CSS provided communication instruction, parenting skills training, resources, advocacy services, support, and information relating to each child’s Individualized Education Program custom-tailored to each family with the goal of seeing each Deaf or Hard of Hearing child thriving in both home and school. Many families are not yet aware of the full potential of their Deaf or Hard of Hearing child, and it is the goal of our CSS to work with the whole family to unlock each child’s “secrets” and work towards success. It is because of the importance and success of this program that we want to see ROCK expanded to all four of our DHHSC offices.
Through the sales of “Secrets from My Silent Eden” hardcovers, we will be able to raise funds to realize our own dream of bringing ROCK to the entire agency and serve all families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children who request these specific services. Each family who requests individualized support from one of our Client Services Specialists will have the opportunity to develop the most effective way of communicating with their child while establishing a strong relational bond to last a lifetime. Each child, whether hearing or Deaf (or Hard of Hearing), deserves to be raised in an environment rich in love, understanding, and communication. It takes faith to make this happen, and I have full confidence that you will want to be one of our “rocks” in seeing our Deaf and Hard of Hearing children flourish, just as Dr. Ogden did in his “Silent Eden.”
Please support our efforts to provide ROCK services to families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children by purchasing a “Secrets from My Silent Eden” hardcover today! Remember, each $100 raised goes towards ROCK, a program designed with families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children in mind. (A brief description of this exciting book is on the back of this letter.)
I look forward to our partnership in this fundraiser which will benefit the families we serve through DHHSC.
Michelle L. Bronson, Executive Director
Wednesday, October 30th Book Signing
6:30 pm – 8:30 pm with Paul Ogden
DHHSC, 5340 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93710
_____ I plan to attend the event and please save _____ copies for me.
_____ I regret that I will not be able to attend. Please hold a copy for me and I will pick it up at DHHSC at a later time.
I want ______ copies of autographed SECRETS FROM MY SILENT EDEN at $100 per copy as donated to DHHSC. Included is my check made payable to DHHSC.
Please drop off the check at DHHSC or mail the check to: DHHSC, 5340 N. Fresno Street, Fresno, CA 93710
Thank you for being a cherished Friend of DHHSC and supporting our goal to expand our ROCK program!